"Dos alumnos de Hatcliffe se convierten en babuinos". Nos informa Newsdze Zimbabwe.
Seguimiento de la noticia: "Por qué el gobierno no hace nada sobre estos temas, somos un país cristiano pero vienen pasando cosas muy raras últimamente", dice un padre.
Según el ministro de Economía, dos tercios de los inscritos en el censo electoral están muertos.
La FIFA amonesta a Nigeria por prohibir a las lesbianas jugar al fútbol.
Condenado a dos años de prisión por posesión de marihuana, que utilizaba "para vacunar al ganado".
Dos satanistas congoleses protestan por estar encarcelados injustamente. Estaban en un campo de refugiados y fueron a pedir permiso a las autoridades para establecer una "iglesia para adorar a Satán". Para su sorpresa, los metieron directamente al calabozo.
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1 comentario:
Though I lived in Zimbabwe once, I had lost touch with it, so thanks for all that. On the face of it, it seems absurd. Then one recalls that the last Pope spent a lot of time finding miracles to underwrite his fast track beatification programme. How ridiculous is that? It didn't stop a British ex-prime minister, the Bush and Murdoch-loving Tony Blair, signing up to that religion with all its archaic superstitions - or underwriting torture if the "calculus" justified it, another Mugabe-like style of criminality.
On a more positive note, your post encouraged me to look up an old Zimbabwean friend, Mick Pearce, who I had also lost touch with, and in whose offices Morgan Tsvangarai once had his HQ. The result is impressive http://bit.ly/10hqA89.
Also interesting is http://bit.ly/XpnD1l
And while we're on the bitlies, my blog is now http://bit.ly/12M8ZsK , but it's a bit monothematic.
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